What is CP-DCT ?

CP-DCT stands for “Certified Professional – DevOps Continuous Testing”
With the advent of DevOps the need for everyone in the team to learn practical continuous testing has increased manifold. Hence the course is actually applicable for all the roles and not just “testers”. Knowledge, experience & certification is consciously designed to focus on “Practical DevOps Continuous Testing” and is not limited to specific roles like “testers”.

How is it useful ?

CP-DCT helps you in learning how testing is done on a continuous basis right from the requirement/ideation phase to the deployment phase. All the concepts are driven using the case studies and actual tasks that are typically involved in any live DevOps projects. Just like any other course from Agile Testing Alliance and DevOps++ Alliance the core differentiation is focus on hands on/practical aspects. There is no better learning than hands on learnings. The CP-DCT program is able to achieve this by introducing participants to tools like Cucumber, Gherkin, GIT/GITLab, JUnit, Maven, PMD, Cobertura, Jenkins and Selenium.

The program thus covers practical DevOps Continuous testing using a case study. This makes the program a very powerful one.

Am I Eligible ?

You should have basic knowledge of Java and at least 1 year of proven relevant experience in Agile/DevOps or Testing. Prior knowledge of Selenium will be helpful too but is not mandatory. Even though someone without any practical testing or agile experience will be able to easily go through the program but the real value would be delivered to those who have experienced testing and agile and now can corroborate the connections in the DevOps world.

Duration ?

CP-DCT is designed specifically for corporate and working professionals alike. If you are a corporate you can opt for either 6 half days course or 3 full days course. The CP-DCT exam is conducted on the last day of the program.

CP-DCT certification exam has two parts. A theory exam which is of 1-hour duration and is conducted through online multiple choice question pattern. The theory exam is of 40 marks with no negative marking. The practical exam is taken immediately after the theory exam and is of 2-hour duration. The practical exam is case study based and follows the pattern taught in the program